戦いを知る・金鹿の学級 A Harsh Reality (Golden Deer)
クロード: Byleth、お疲れさん。何とも後味の悪い戦いだったな。
Claude: Nice work, Teach. Still… that fight left a foul taste in my mouth.
That aside, did you see how Catherine fought?
Choice 1: 強かった She’s incredible.
クロード: ああ。英雄の遺産の力なんて、相当に誇張されたもんかと思ってたが違った。
Claude: Agreed. I thought the power of the Hero’s Relics must be exaggerated, but I was clearly wrong.
Choice 2: 自分のほうが強い I’m stronger.
クロード: 言うなあ、先生。だが、英雄の遺産の力には敵わないさ。あれは相当だ。
Claude: Ha! I love the confidence, Teach. But you're no match for the Heroes' Relics. They're on a whole different level.
クロード: こうなると、あの伝説も……
Claude: Makes you wonder about that legend...
Byleth: 伝説? What legend?
クロード: たいした話じゃないさ。遥か昔、一振りで山を真っ二つにした遺産がある……………って噂を、どっかで聞いた気がしてな。
Claude: Oh, it’s nothing. Just the usual fanciful nonsense. An ancient Relic that once cut a mountain in half with a single swing.
That’s what they say, anyway. But as amazing as Thunderbrand is, I don’t think it fits that description.
Apparently, Relics can harness tremendous power for those with a compatible Crest.
Though you can technically use one so long as you have any Crest at all. I dunno. Long story short, I’d like to try cutting a mountain in half someday.
ヒルダ: なになに?遺産の話―?クロードくんは使えるじゃん、すぐに。
Hilda: Ooh! Are you talking about Relics? You’ll be able to use one soon, Claude! I just know it!
After all, you’ve already been selected as the next head of House Riegan!
クロード: おおい、ヒルダ。すぐに、はないだろ。俺の祖父さんはまだまだ元気だぞ。
Claude: Easy there, Hilda. I don’t know how apt “soon” is. My grandfather is still unbearably healthy.
Oh? Is this news to you, Teach?
Yours truly was recently recognized as a legitimate child of House Riegan. They possess one of the Hero’s Relics too, though I’ve yet to see it.
Choice 1: なったばかり? Just recently?
クロード: 俺がリーガン家に入ったのは去年なんだ。それまでは親父の家で育ったからな。
Claude: I officially joined House Reigan only last year. Before then, I lived with my mother.
Choice 2: 見たことはない? You haven’t seen it?
クロード: 俺は親父の元で生まれ育ったからな。リーガン家は母さんの実家なんだよ。
Claude: I was raised by my father. House Riegan is on my mother's side of the family.
クロード: 母さんが同盟貴族の娘だと知った時にゃ、驚いて髪の毛が全部抜けるかと……
Claude: When I learned that my mother was the daughter of an Alliance noble, I was so surprised I thought the whole wide of world was pulling a fast one me for a week.
ヒルダ: お母さんはリーガン公の娘さんってことか。今はどこに住んでいるの?
Hilda: So, that means your mother is Duke Riegan’s daughter, right? Where is she now?
クロード: それは言えないな。母さんは今や違う世界で生きてて、実家には戻りたくないんだと。
Claude: I can’t say. My mother’s currently living in a different world than the one she grew up in and has no desire to return home.
ヒルダ: ふーん……。クロードくんって秘密が多いよねー。
Hilda: Um, OK. You sure have a lot of secrets, don’t you?
クロード: 親との約束だからな。好きに想像してくれよ。
Claude: I’m just keeping a promise to my parents. Make of that whatever you will.
In exchange for my so-called secrecy, I’m free to do as I please, which is why I decided to see what the other side of my family was like.
That’s how I found out about this strange Crest I bear…
レオニー: 先生、クロード。そろそろ撤収みたいだよ。わたしたちも戻ろう。
Leonie: Professor. Claude. It sounds like the troops will be withdrawing soon. We should return as well.
イグナーツ: 勝ったはずなのに、こんな思いをして帰らなければいけないんですね。
Ignatz: we won. We should be celebrating. Instead, we’re heading back with heavy hearts…
クロード: おいおい、そんなに萎れてどうした?太陽に見捨てられた向日葵みたいだぞ。
Claude: Whoa there! What’s the matter? You look as sad as a kitten without any yarn.
If we hadn't done what we did, the rebel army would have followed this road all the way to the monastery.
And they would have crushed all the little villages along the way. We stopped that from happening. You should be proud.
カトリーヌ: 話してるとこ悪い。……今回の事件、意外に根が深いかもな。
Catherine: Sorry to intrude, but this incident may be more serious than anticipated.
I found this on Lord Lonato. It’s a note that mentions a plan to assassinate Lady Rhea.
We can’t tell who sent it, so the source is suspect, but the content is too disturbing to ignore.
We must report this to Lady Rhea right away. I hope that it’s nothing…